Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lime Concoction- aka- Homemade Margarita's

If you LOVE margarita's, but hate the mixes that are found in stores, I have just the recipe for you!

What you will need:
- 1 gallon of drinking water
- funnel
- 1 cup of sugar
- triple sec, curacao, or grand marnier
- 1 regular bottle of concentrated lime juice
- Some kind of juice based on your taste preferences. I usually go with an orange, mango, peach blend to give it a tropical taste.

How to prep:

- Pour the water out of the gallon, until you are left with approx 1/3 water in the gallon.
- Add the bottle of lime juice into the water.
- Add the cup of sugar by using the funnel.
- Add 3/4 cup of the triple sec, curacao, or grand marnier to the mixture.
- Then add your fruit juice until the gallon is almost full (leaving room to shake it well and blend the sugar)
- Shake well and refrigerate until ready to use.
- Add Tequila (my preference is a blanco) to taste!

If you are really interested in delighting the taste buds, try squeezing fresh limes instead of using the lime concentrate- either way you go, you will be SO much happier with this mix than the stuff you get from the stores, and this is cheap and easy (just like your arch enemy).


Erotas Trofi

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