Friday, February 11, 2011

Seeing Red

I did something tonight that just might make me slightly crazy.
For those of you that know me- I'm sure you're thinking, "Oh Laawwd, what has she done now?!" But, it was truly amazing.

Valentine's Day is coming up, and all I’ve seen since New Year’s is a bunch of little red hearts plastered all over the Walgreen’s aisles, candies packaged in pink, red, and white, and the most annoying Jewelry store commercials...I can tell you from experience, that every kiss does NOT begin with Kay, and if the only way you can get that warm tingly feeling inside is to scream “He got it at Jared”…obviously, my batteries work better than yours.

I've planned a single's night out for my friends on Monday, so we can go out, and help get our minds off of the fact that no one is coming home to us with a corny card, those terrible tasting hearts with sayings on them, and a shit eating grin- which, undeniably would end in a tango in the sheets. I am still ridiculously excited to spend the evening with a group of friends that are near and dear to my heart. And although I don’t have a man to call my “own”, I have plenty of love from the dearest of friends, and I know I am a very lucky girl.

So, ok, ok- back to the thing that makes me crazy...

Tonight, I booked a hotel for myself. Had dinner by myself. Turned off my cell phone, tuned out work emails, painted my fingernails, washed off my makeup, and did absolutely nothing. I sprawled out in bed watching Thursday night TV, ignoring all outside distractions, and treating myself to quite possibly, the best Valentine's Day, ever. Being in a hotel room reminded me of the days when I use to travel frequently for work- only in this instance, my feet and legs weren’t about to fall off from complete exhaustion, and I was allowed to unwind to a few glasses of wine (worked for a Christian Co. that didn’t allow drinking) and a Jersey Mike’s sub. I ate in bed, in my pajama’s- not caring that I didn’t put deodorant on, or that my hair was in complete disarray. I know I don’t have kids, or a husband- but, I still have a ton of responsibilities at home, and being able to tune EVERYTHING out for one night was complete bliss. I can’t imagine what mom’s and dad’s must go through. I highly encourage you to take a night out for yourself when you can. Do nothing! It feels fabulous.

This Valentine’s Day, I’m not going to be sad for the things that I don’t have. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that companionship lies far beyond a 2c diamond ring. I know that love comes to me in the form of the dinners that my brother cooks for me, the nudges that my dogs give me, the encouragement from my mom and dad, and the amazing good times with my friends. Do something for those you love, and those that are close to you on Monday, even if you are single! Xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I know this post is old, go girl. Ur awesome. Oh..I mean.."you're" awesome. ;-)
