Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Recap, So To Speak

I haven't written in a while. Part of that has been due to the busy holiday season, and part of it has been due to an internal struggle with having an actual "blog", and writing about intricate details pertaining to my life. While a lot of it is entertaining...certainly, some of it can be disheartening, and even hurtful to those that I don't actually mean to hurt. With that said, the underlying truth is that I have daily topics that run through my head that scream "that would make a great blog!". So, here I am, returning to what helps shine a light into my personal life.

The whirlwind internet dating is over. I will take a much needed break, and when I'm feeling JUST empty enough inside again, I will probably sign my soul over, and give it another attempt. It wasn't successful for me at all- but, I can say that I did make 1 long lasting friendship out of it, which is enough for me.

I did attempt to date a 48 year old Greek guy (whom I met at church), but it was a COMPLETE disaster, and partially made me hate myself for ending it by being such a mean bitch. He and I were night and day...I don't know what I was had to be his Greek genes that kept me intrigued for a full month- and seeing him slave over the gyro grill at the Greek Festival certainly didn't hurt, but it ended quickly after he served me lentil soup and salad for dinner one night (ahem, a GERIATRIC dinner!). He was EXTREMELY religious, which at first I found sexy, but I think the final straw for him was learning that I would (gasp!) share a room with guys that are friends on an upcoming vacation. It's funny to me now though....God, I'm an idiot for idiot men!

I have recently been having strange dreams...and men from my past, whom I will never talk with again, have been popping up. No matter how bad they were to me, I always end up with underlying guilt that we're not "cool" with each other. There are very few of those men in my life...and if we're not on speaking terms it's for good reason, but still- it does bother me deep down and has been making random appearances in my dreams. That is definitely a guilty trait that I inherited from my mother. My mom would feel guilty if someone else chopped off HER arm.

2010 is coming to an end, and I am ready to say "sianara, sucka!" I will be lucky enough to ring in the New Year with some girlfriends in New Orleans, LA. I wish everyone the best for 2011! May the New Year bring you much happiness, lots of love, and a fresh wardrobe complete with Manolo Blahniks.

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